Clean Tips For Sparkling Windows

Posted by NYBMain 12/16/2015

Clean Tip For Sparkling Windows

Sparkling Clean Windows Brighten A Home

To stay on top of your windows deep clean twice a year and wipe down weekly in between. Here are some window cleaning tips from the NY Brite pros:

Go Streak-Free 

For streak-free windows, use a window-washing squeegee with a smooth, soft rubber edge:

  1. Wet the squeegee and start in upper corner of the window pane.
  2. Draw the squeegee down in a straight stroke.
  3. Wipe the rubber edge of the squeegee and repeat. This time slightly overlapping the first stroke.
  4. Repeat across the entire window.
  5. Finish off by pulling the squeegee across the bottom of the window.
  6. Wipe the window sill dry.

Change Directions
Alternate directions to identify sneaky streaks. For interior washing go up to down. For exterior go side to side. That way you know which is the streaky side.

Better In The Shade 
Cleaning windows in direct sunlight increase you chances of streaks. So stick to evenings and cloudy days for best results.

Bring In The Eraser
Rub your freshly washed and dried windows with a clean blackboard eraser for a shine boost.

Give It The Hose
Wash exterior windows with a hose to remove grease and grime.
Scrub outside screens with warm water, rinse clean and allow to air dry.

Blame The Filters 
Change furnace and air filters regularly to avoid dirt building up on your interior window glass.

Goodbye Second-Hand Smoke
Remove second-hand smoke film from windows some lemonly ammonia goodness. Mix 1 cup lemon scented ammonia in 2 gallons of water to clean windows.

Don’t be afraid to say “I Need Help!”
NYBrite is Manhattan’s leading cleaning and maid service. Fully bonded and insured, NY Brite cleaning specialists are professionally trained in the use of the most current environmentally friendly techniques and products. Available six days a week, evenings, weekdays, and holidays.
One Call Cleans It All 1-800-682-7483

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